The heart of the Selkirk manufacturing operation is a Bausch + Ströbel VarioSys® filler with an integrated vial rinser and depyrogenation tunnel. The system is fast, versatile, and remarkably efficient. When every drop of a compounded bulk is required, this system meets the challenge with line losses as low as 100mL and filled container yields of >99.8%.
The SKAN isolator system brings state-of-the-art safety and efficiency to the filling operations. The system allows for the use of Ready to Use (RTU) stoppers and overseals, and the skanfog® system provides rapid and complete sterilization of the entire filling system. There is no better way to protect the container filling and sealing processes.
The Selkirk facility has been designed to provide rapid and flexible expansion. Our initial build includes dedicated compounding and filling in our Line 1 manufacturing area. Space for two additional filling lines has been pre-configured with the utilities and support systems needed to add manufacturing capacity and new capabilities as required.
The quality and safety of the manufacturing process is further protected by a unidirectional flow for both personnel and products. This not only protects against cross contamination but also improves manufacturing efficiency.
Selkirk has cGMP validated, temperature-controlled space to handle all types of drug product logistics needs. The Selkirk facility is located less than 0.5 miles from the Spokane International Airport for efficient and convenient operations.